Mixed Martial Arts has experienced a popularity spike over the past few years and with that comes more opportunities for rehab based professionals to enhance the careers of these athletes. Knowing what to expect when dealing with this population can set you apart from other practitioners and provide better care overall.

Attendees will learn:
  • Types of martial arts/artists
  • Common conditions and injuries sustained by martial artists
  • Fighter evaluation and rehabilitation strategies


About Nate Stegehuis, DC, CCSP, FAKTR, PES, MMACP

Since graduating chiropractic school in 2019, I have had the opportunity to work with many elite athletes. I feel that each sports specific clinician gravitates towards a certain sport and I found myself being pulled into the world of MMA since moving to Orlando in 2020. I’ve been enamored with the sport of MMA since my time in the military during which I learned and practiced the Modern Army Combatives program. After suffering a severe lower back injury in the military, I have found conservative care and grappling to be the most effective way of stabilizing my condition and enhancing my everyday life. Today, I practice a combination of Brazilian jiujitsu, striking and judo 3-4 days/week. I find that being active on the mats allows me to better understand the needs of my patient base and translate those needs into my treatments.

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