Join us on Wednesday, September 15th at 2pm EST for this great free webinar...

Anthropometrics Influence on Biomechanics: The individuality of ideal movement

This webinar will discuss how each person is an individual and why everyone moves a little bit differently.  We dive into how skeletal structure and position influence the function of muscles and connective tissues.  Appreciating how underlying skeletal shapes and measurements affect movement is pivotal to understanding why people move the way they do.

Attendees will learn:
- How Skeletal Biases influence available ROM
- How a person's shape influences their ability to perform task
- The Diaphragms Role in Biomechanics


About Greg Hawthorne, MS, ATC/L

Greg Hawthorne is a Licensed Athletic Trainer and Performance Coach who has spent time working in the NFL, Division 1 athletics, general population, youth athletes, and the Air Force.  Greg has training in a variety of courses ranging from Respiratory training (PRI), acute care, advanced taping techniques (Kinesio, FMT, Strapping), manual therapy, and neurology (IKN). 
Greg believes the body is widely complex which allows people to move in different ways while achieving similar outcomes.  He uses this understanding to look at every person as an N=1 study.

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