Join us on Tuesday September 20th at 2pm EST for this great free webinar...

Sports Chiropractic: Encouraging Female Leadership in a Male-Dominated Profession

A brief intro to how the brain maps out the body using muscle tone, and how that integrates with vestibular and visual inputs. This allows us to have a deeper understanding as to how a person's body would present as a compensation to a deeper root cause!

In this live discussion with Dr. Shea Stark, we will learn why she chose the sports chiropractic specialty, discuss her journey through various leadership roles and how we can continue to encourage more females to step into sports chiropractic and continue to further the legacy of the female leaders that have blazed a trail in this male-dominated profession.

Can't join us live? No worries!  All registrants will receive immediate access to the recorded replay after the live broadcast.



About Shea Stark, DC, CCSP, ICSC, EMT


Dr. Shea Stark graduated from Texas Chiropractic College (TCC) in 2014.  During her time at TCC, she was involved in multiple chiropractic associations including the Student American Chiropractic Association (SACA) and the American Chiropractic Association Sports Council (ACASC).  With SACA, she travelled to Washington, DC three consecutive years for the National Chiropractic Legislative Conference (now known as ENGAGE) to lobby on Capitol Hill on behalf of the chiropractic profession.  She helped create a chapter of the SACA Sports Council at TCC where she was President for two years.  She also served two years on the National Student Executive Committee of the ACA Sports Council as Secretary and 2nd Vice President. 

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