The year 2022 is upon us and we can say with certainty that the world is in a better place at the dawning of this year than it was as we approached 2021. There are still a ton of unknowns in the year ahead, but one thing is certain--we will persevere and continue on as best we can. You will continue treating your patients and athletes and doing what you can to continually strive to provide better care as you grow as a practitioner.
Over the years, we've received thousands of emails, messages and live chat comments about the impact our courses have had on patient outcomes. Practitioners on five continents have reached out to us personally to say how much they appreciate what they learned by enrolling in one of our online courses or attending a live training. It has been an incredibly humbling and touching experience and this impact is what drives us to continue to innovate, progress and improve our courses.
So as we look ahead to 2022, we thought it would be fun to say THANK YOU to the hundreds of practitioners and students each year that tell others about our courses. Word-of-mouth has been the single biggest driver of course attendance and we appreciate each and every time our courses are recommended.
Starting January 1st, we would like to offer a little incentive to those of you that share the love by telling others about our courses. It's a simple ask with a huge's how it works:
- Tell your friends and colleagues about any of our online or live course offerings (send them this link >
- They input your email address when they register for any course in the "how did you hear about our course" field at checkout
- You receive an email with two promo codes -- one for $25 in our online course platform and one for $25 in our online store.
- Continue receiving the promo codes and stacking up the offers for every person you refer that registers for an in-person course or enrolls in an online course.
It's that simple.
We appreciate each and every practitioner and student in our global provider network. Here's to a great 2022!
Optimal vs Practical Range-of-Motion in Training - Which is best for reducing injury?
A Letter to the Class of 2022