FAKTR Provider Directory
Find a Certified FAKTR Provider in a City Near You.
FAKTR stands for Functional and Kinetic Treatment with Rehabilitation and each provider listed in the directory below has attended our live FAKTR training course. Those practitioners that are designed as "Certified FAKTR Providers" have completed additional online FAKTR coursework and passed a proficiency exam.These providers have learned how to think kinetically and address pain and dysfunction within the musculoskeletal system quickly and efficiently. They don't use "cookie cutter" approaches to care, but have learned to think strategically and use a variety of techniques and tools to get you moving better with less pain.
Search below to access our worldwide network of Certified FAKTR Providers and Practitioners.
Simply search by name of practice or provider below or to search by location, click on the "search by" box and choose a distance and enter your zip code. You'll see a listing of practitioners below the map and then can click on each to get contact information and access any special deals or offers they have available.Are you a FAKTR provider or certified FAKTR provider that doesn't see your listing below? With the launch of this new improved directory, it will take time to import all of the existing provider records. Please click here to create your profile so that you can update your listing and customize it to fit your business.